bonsaikit - Bird's Bonsai
Bonsai tree kit comes with everything you need to get started- healthy tree, best selling book, authentic clippers
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Bird’s Bonsai Kit – $35

This Bonsai tree starter kit has everything you need to get started with the art of Bonsai: Healthy Tree, authentic pot, traditional clippers, and best selling book. This Bonsai is one of the hardiest and easy to care, making it perfect for beginners. These majestic trees are set apart by their compact, well-proportioned evergreen leaves, dense growth, and rough bark; all desirable features for Bonsai.

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Bird’s Bonsai Kit

(1 customer review)


Everything you need to get started with Bonsai!

  • Healthy 3-5 year old tree in traditional ceramic pot
  • Authentic Bonsai Shears
  • Bird’s Bonsai Fertilizer 
  • Best Selling Bonsai 101 book

Kingsville Boxwoods are set apart by their compact, well-proportioned evergreen leaves, dense growth, and rough bark; all desirable features for Bonsai. It is an extremely hearty plant that is perfect for any experience level. 7-10 inches tall including pot.


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Basic Care
The Kingsville Boxwood is easy to care for, making it great for all experience levels. 
     Water: Water thoroughly once a week when soil is dry to the touch; let drain
     Light: While the Kingsville is generally not picky about lighting, moderate sun is preferable while indoors during warm months. During winter months, partial shade is preferred
       Fertilizer: Use a 1 -2 tsp of a slow release organic NPK Fertilizer every 2 months. Nitrogen (N) for the growth of leaves on the plant, Phosphorus (P) for root growth, and Potassium (K) for overall plant health
   Pruning:Kingsvilles are very tolerant to shaping and pruning, allowing you to style your tree in a unique way; however, pruning is not necessary on a regular basis


Additional Information
Weight 6 lbs

2 years


5-7 inches

Botanical Name

Kingsville Boxwood (Buxus Microphylla)

Reviews (1)

1 review for Bird’s Bonsai Kit

  1. Jennifer S. (verified owner)

    The bonsai arrived just fine after its cross country journey! I had been worried. All was intact and ready to go! I emailed and asked questions twice and the response was friendly and QUICK. I would recommend highly and am very grateful for the awesome holiday gift!!

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Basic Care
The Kingsville Boxwood is easy to care for, making it great for all experience levels. 
     Water: Water thoroughly once a week when soil is dry to the touch; let drain
     Light: While the Kingsville is generally not picky about lighting, moderate sun is preferable while indoors during warm months. During winter months, partial shade is preferred
       Fertilizer: Use a 1 -2 tsp of a slow release organic NPK Fertilizer every 2 months. Nitrogen (N) for the growth of leaves on the plant, Phosphorus (P) for root growth, and Potassium (K) for overall plant health
   Pruning:Kingsvilles are very tolerant to shaping and pruning, allowing you to style your tree in a unique way; however, pruning is not necessary on a regular basis


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